travel 101

Travel 101

An introductory guide for travelers, covering essential topics such as travel protection, travel insurance and how to navigate specific scenarios. This resource aims to equip travelers with basic travel knowledge and confidence.

Travel Insurance for Backpacking holidays?

Learn about key coverages for travel insurance for backpackers along with what to look for in a plan that matches your backpacking travel needs, and more.

What to Look for in Travel Insurance for Backpackers?

Backpacking is not a new style of traveling but has gained prominence in the past few years. But as backpackers explore less-traveled roads and hidden gems in both domestic and international destinations, careful planning becomes crucial. This is especially true when it comes to choosing travel insurance for backpackers.

However, by understanding what to look for in backpacking travel insurance, you can ensure you’re adequately protected, allowing you to focus on enjoying your journey and exploring new destinations with confidence. Here’s a brief guide to help you do that.

Why Do Backpackers Need Travel Insurance?

Backpackers go to places most tourists skip. They also get into adventure activities, stay in budget accommodations and travel by public transport if not on foot. All of these are enriching experiences but also increase their exposure to accidents, illnesses and travel disruptions that can be very hard on the pocket without proper travel insurance.

Apart from these, backpackers have tight schedules and limited funds so any delay or cancellation due to unforeseen circumstances such as natural disasters, political unrest or personal emergencies can mean missing flights. Travel insurance can cover such trip cancellations, delays or interruptions.

Backpackers are also more prone to theft or loss of personal belongings like passports, money and gear. Travel Insurance can again help pay for stolen or lost items, so you won’t be stranded or stuck for obvious reasons.

What Does Backpacking Travel Insurance Include

Here are some key coverages worth considering for your backpacking travel insurance

Trip Cancellation and Interruption

Trip cancellation is an important part of travel insurance that backpackers shouldn’t overlook. This type of cover can pay you back for non-refundable travel costs if you need to cancel your trip before it starts due to unexpected events. These events can be personal like a sudden illness, injury or death of a family member or external like severe weather, natural disasters or political unrest at your destination.

While trip cancellation cover protects you before you start your journey, trip interruption cover comes into play once you’re already on the road. This coverage can help cover extra costs or pay you back for the unused part of your trip if it gets interrupted for various reasons.

For example, if you trip during your trek through a forest and need to cut your trip short to get medical treatment back home, trip interruption cover would help pay for your early return flight and pay you back for the prepaid, non-refundable costs of the unused part of your trip. It might also cover additional accommodation and transport costs incurred due to the interruption, depending on the policy you chose.

Medical Emergencies

The unpredictable nature of backpacking often involves traveling to remote locations that have limited medical facilities or getting into physically demanding activities. This increases the possibility of accidents or sudden illnesses.

These emergencies can range from minor cuts and scrapes to serious health crises requiring immediate medical attention. For instance, a simple stomach bug might necessitate outpatient care, while a severe injury from a trekking accident could require hospitalization and even emergency evacuation.

Backpacking insurance with medical expenses coverage ensures that you are taken care of against such unforeseen health-related expenses, which can be exorbitant in foreign countries. Ensure that your travel insurance plan covers a wide range of medical expenses, including hospital stays, surgical procedures, doctor visits, and prescription medications.

You may also want to look into coverage for emergency medical evacuation, which can be lifesaving if you need to be transported to a facility with adequate medical care.

Lost or Stolen Belongings

When backpacking, the risk of losing or having belongings stolen is a big concern. Backpackers often carry valuable items, such as travel documents, electronics, and personal gear, making them potential targets for theft. Therefore, having travel insurance that covers lost or stolen belongings is crucial, and this is generally termed as baggage loss coverage.

This coverage ensures that if your backpack, clothes, gadgets, or other personal items are lost or stolen, you can get reimbursed for their value. When choosing a policy, look for one that provides coverage for a wide range of items, from essential travel documents like passports and visas to expensive electronics such as cameras, laptops, and smartphones. Also ensure that the coverage limit matches the value of your belongings.

24/7 Assistance Services

For backpackers, having access to 24/7 assistance services is not a luxury but a necessity. Backpacking generally involves traveling to remote or less-developed areas where medical facilities and support services may be limited. In such situations, having a travel insurance provider that offers round-the-clock assistance can be quite some help.

This service typically includes a global emergency hotline that can provide immediate help in various scenarios, whether it's arranging emergency medical transportation, offering medical advice, or assisting in the replacement of lost travel documents.

In fact, when you're in an unfamiliar place, even language and cultural differences can make it challenging to handle the simplest of problems. 24/7 assistance services act as a reliable point of contact, ensuring that you have someone to turn to in case of an emergency.

They can also help you find the nearest embassy or consulate if you need to replace a lost or stolen passport, ensuring that a potentially trip-derailing incident becomes a manageable inconvenience.


AXA’s Travel Protection Plans for Backpackers

When you are planning your next backpacking adventure, having the right travel insurance can provide essential support. AXA offers three travel protection plans - Silver, Gold, and Platinum, each tailored to different travel needs and budgets. Here's a breakdown of what each plan offers.

Silver Plan

The Silver Plan is AXA’s most budget-friendly option, ideal for domestic travel or short trips. Despite its affordability, it provides essential coverage for a range of unexpected events.

  • It provides medical cover of up to $25,000 for emergency accident and sickness medical expenses.

  • Trip cancellation and interruption coverage includes reimbursement of 100% of your insured trip cost if you need to cancel or cut short your trip due to covered reasons.

  • The baggage and personal effects coverage limit is up to $750 for lost, stolen, or damaged luggage, with a $150 limit per article.

  • Coverage for trip delays ($100 per day, up to $500), missed connections ($500), and emergency medical evacuation ($100,000)​ are among the additional benefits of this plan.

Gold Plan

The Gold Plan is a step up from the Silver Plan, offering higher coverage limits and additional benefits. It’s well-suited for travelers with more extensive travel plans, including international backpacking trips.

  • It has enhanced medical coverage for up to $100,000 for emergency medical expenses and includes emergency dental treatment.

  • The pre-existing medical condition coverage can also be availed if you purchase the plan within 14 days of making the initial trip deposit.

  • It also comes with increased baggage coverage, which is up to $1,500 for baggage and personal effects, with a $250 per article limit.

  • You can also leverage some additional benefits like higher limits for trip delay ($200 per day, up to $1,000) and missed connections ($1,000), as well as emergency medical evacuation ($500,000)​.

Platinum Plan

The Platinum Plan is AXA’s highest offering, designed for extensive international travel including month long backpacking trips. It provides the highest coverage limits and includes several exclusive benefits.

  • It offers the maximum medical coverage of up to $250,000 for emergency accident and sickness medical expenses.

  • It also has some optional add-on that allows you to cancel your trip for reasons not covered under standard policies, reimbursing up to 75% of the trip cost.

  • You may also like its baggage coverage, which is up to $3,000 for baggage and personal effects, with a $500 per article limit.

  • Above all, it provides access to some exclusive benefits including coverage for lost skier days, lost golf rounds, and sports equipment rental. it also offers the highest limits for trip delay ($300 per day, up to $1,250) and missed connections ($1,500), as well as emergency medical evacuation ($1,000,000)​

Choosing the Right Plan

Selecting the right plan depends on several factors including your destination, length of trip, planned activities, and budget. The Silver Plan is ideal for domestic or budget-conscious backpackers, the Gold Plan suits those seeking a higher coverage for international backpacking trips. The Platinum Plan is suitable for those desiring the highest level of protection and flexibility, including the option to cancel for any reason for months long backpacking journeys.


Checklist For Purchasing Travel Insurance for Backpackers

When planning a backpacking trip buying the right travel insurance is key. This checklist will help you get the most suitable coverage as a backpacker.

Check coverage limits

If you’re going to an overseas destination, check the availability and quality of medical facilities for foreigners. Some countries may have good healthcare for locals, but it can be expensive for tourists. Know the costs and quality of care so you don’t get any surprises during your trip.

Once you have this information, look for travel insurance plans that are suitable for backpacking needs and have sufficient medical limits. Also see if the plan covers emergency evacuation and repatriation as these can be lifesaving.

Backpackers carry essential and valuable items like electronics, cameras and travel documents. So, you must check the limits for personal belongings and see if it matches the value of items, you will be bringing.

Identify the right window for buying travel insurance

Timing is key when buying travel insurance. Most travel insurance policies require you to buy cover within a certain window, usually before you leave your home country. Knowing these windows is important so you have cover from the moment you start your trip.

Some policies have benefits like cancellation cover which can only be used if the travel insurance is bought within a certain number of days after making the initial trip deposit. Knowing and sticking to these windows ensures you are covered from the start of your journey and protects you from unexpected events that can happen before or during your trip.

Learn the claims process

Understanding the claims process is an essential part of selecting the right travel insurance for backpackers. This process must essentially be straightforward and efficient. So before purchasing a policy, research how the claims process works. Make sure you know what documentation you will need to provide, such as medical reports, receipts, or police reports.

For instance, AXA offers online claims submission and tracking, which can be a significant convenience when you’re on the move. Familiarize yourself with the AXA’s customer service options and response times will ensure that you have access to support whenever you need it.

Backpacking Travel Insurance Claims Process & More

It's advisable to choose a policy that offers a straightforward and convenient claims process. This might include cashless hospital admissions, where the travel insurance company directly settles the medical bills with the hospital, minimizing out-of-pocket expenses for you.

Furthermore, some policies offer 24/7 emergency assistance services that can guide you through the steps to take during a medical emergency, including locating the nearest suitable medical facility and arranging for transportation.

For lost or stolen belongings… in the unfortunate event that your belongings are lost or stolen, knowing the reporting and claiming process is essential. First and foremost, report the loss or theft to the local authorities and obtain a police report. This report is often required by travel insurance companies to process your claim. Next, contact your travel insurance provider as soon as possible to inform them of the incident. Most insurers have a specific timeframe within which you need to report the loss, so timely communication is crucial.

When filing a claim, provide detailed documentation, including the police report, a list of the lost or stolen items, and any receipts or proof of purchase for the valuable items.



1. Why do backpackers need travel insurance?

Backpackers need travel insurance to safeguard against unforeseen events like medical emergencies, theft, and trip disruptions. As they often travel to remote or adventurous locations, having coverage ensures access to medical care, reimbursement for lost items, and support for unexpected travel changes.

2. What does backpacker travel insurance typically cover?

Backpacker travel insurance typically covers emergency medical expenses, trip cancellations, lost or stolen belongings, personal liability, and adventure sports. Policies may also include coverage for travel delays, repatriation, and legal expenses. It’s essential to check specific policy details as coverage can vary between providers.

3. How long can backpacker travel insurance cover you?

Backpacker travel insurance can cover you for extended periods, often ranging from a few weeks to over a year. Some policies allow for flexible durations with options to extend coverage while traveling. It's crucial to select a policy that matches your travel plans and provides continuous protection throughout your journey.

Also Read: BackpackingSolo BackpackingHow to Plan BackpackingBackpacking AdventureBackpacking FoodBackpacking USA, Backpacking Thailand, Backpacking Europe,  Backpacking for Beginners 

Get AXA Travel Insurance and travel worry free!

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More Trave 101

Understanding ETIAS: The Essential Guide to Secure and Smooth Travel to Europe

Prepare for your European adventure with the European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS). Learn about the importance of ETIAS, the Schengen Zone, application process, and why AXA Assistance USA Inc. is your trusted partner for secure and stress-free travel. 

Unlocking Europe: A Complete Guide to the New ETIAS Travel Authorization

Planning a trip to Europe? Before you start packing your bags, there is an important new travel requirement you will need to be aware of the European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS). Set to launch in mid-2025, this system is essential for ensuring a smooth entry into the Schengen Area, even if you do not need a visa. Understanding ETIAS will help you avoid unexpected surprises and ensure your European adventure goes off without a hitch. We explain the ETIAS requirements below. 

What is ETIAS and Why is It Important? 

ETIAS, or the European Travel Information and Authorization System, is an electronic authorization system designed to pre-screen visitors from visa-exempt countries before they enter the Schengen Area. With terrorism, illegal immigration, and other security concerns on the rise, ETIAS is a proactive measure by the European Union to protect its borders and citizens. 

Why ETIAS Matters: 

  • Enhanced Security: ETIAS helps reduce potential terrorist threats by identifying risks before travelers even reach European borders. 
  • Better Border Management: The system allows for more efficient processing at border crossings, reducing wait times and improving overall travel experiences. 
  • Streamlined Procedures: By requiring travelers to provide information in advance, ETIAS simplifies the entry process, ensuring that those who meet the criteria can enter smoothly. 

ETIAS is about making Europe safer while ensuring that visitors have a pleasant and hassle-free experience. The EU's goal is to create a secure environment where both citizens and tourists can enjoy the rich culture, history, and diversity that Europe has to offer. 

Who Needs ETIAS? 

ETIAS will apply to travelers from approximately 60 visa-exempt countries, including major nations like the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and many others. Whether you are planning a quick business trip, a long vacation, or a family visit, you will need to secure ETIAS travel authorization before boarding your flight to any Schengen Zone country. 

What is the Schengen Zone? 

The Schengen Zone consists of 27 European countries that have abolished border controls between them, allowing for passport-free movement across member states. Popular destinations such as France, Italy, Spain, Germany, and Greece are all part of the Schengen Zone, making it a key area for international travelers. However, it is important to note that not all EU countries are part of the Schengen Zone, and some non-EU countries, like Norway and Switzerland, are included. 

Why These Countries? 

The Schengen Zone is one of the world's largest visa-free travel areas, attracting millions of tourists each year. By implementing ETIAS, the EU aims to strengthen its security measures while still allowing the freedom of movement that travelers have come to expect. The system ensures that travelers from visa-exempt countries are thoroughly screened, reducing the risk of crime and illegal activities within Europe. 

How to Apply for ETIAS: A Step-by-Step Guide 

The ETIAS application process is designed to be as simple and efficient as possible. Unlike traditional visa processes, which can be time-consuming and require visits to embassies or consulates, ETIAS can be completed entirely online in just a few minutes. 

1. Fill Out the Online Form: 

The first step is to provide your personal details, including your full name, date of birth, nationality, and passport information. You will also need to answer some basic questions about your health, criminal history, and previous travel experiences. It is crucial to ensure that all information is accurate, as any discrepancies could result in delays or denial of your application. 

2. Pay the Application Fee: 

The ETIAS application fee is $9.00 USD for applicants over 18 years old. Payments can be made using a debit or credit card. Applicants under 18 are exempt from the fee, making it easier for families to apply. The fee is non-refundable, so double-check your information before submitting the payment. 

3. Submit Your Application: 

Once you have filled out the form and paid the fee, you can submit your application. In most cases, processing takes around 96 hours (four days). However, it is wise to apply well in advance of your travel date, as processing can take up to two weeks if additional checks are required. 

4. Receive Your Authorization: 

After approval, your ETIAS authorization will be sent to you electronically. It will be valid for up to 3 years or until your passport expires, whichever comes first. This means you can travel to the Schengen Zone multiple times during the validity period without needing to reapply, if your trips do not exceed 90 days within any 180-day period. 


What to Do if Your ETIAS Application Form is Denied? 

While the ETIAS system is designed to be straightforward, there are instances where applications may be denied. If your application is denied, you will receive an email explaining the reason. Common reasons for denial include incorrect or incomplete information, concerns about health or criminal history, or issues with previous travel to the Schengen Zone. 

Options if Denied: 

  • Appeal the Decision: Depending on the reason for denial, you may have the option to appeal. The appeal process will vary depending on the country that processed your ETIAS application. 

  • Correct and Resubmit: If the denial were due to incorrect or incomplete information, you could correct the errors and resubmit your application. Double-check all details to avoid further delays. 

It is important to remain calm and follow the instructions provided in the denial email. In many cases, issues can be resolved quickly, allowing you to proceed with your travel plans. 

Why ETIAS Matters for Your European Travel Plans 

For travelers, ETIAS represents a new layer of security and convenience. While it adds an extra step to the pre-travel process, it also ensures that your entry into Europe is smooth and secure. By preparing in advance and obtaining your ETIAS authorization, you can avoid potential delays at the border and focus on enjoying your European adventure. 

Travel Smart with AXA Assistance USA Inc. 

At AXA Assistance USA Inc. (AXA), we understand that travel can be unpredictable. That is why we offer travel protection plans tailored to your needs, ensuring that you can explore Europe with confidence. Our plans cover a wide range of potential issues, from trip cancellations and delays to medical emergencies and lost baggage. 

For more information look into the ETIAS official website:  

ETIAS - ETIAS - European Union ( 

ETIAS - Travel Entry Authorization for Visa-Exempt Nationals ( 

Why Choose AXA? 

  • Global Coverage: Our extensive network ensures you are protected no matter where your European travels take you. 

  • 24/7 Assistance: Whether you need help with a medical emergency or a travel-related issue, our team is available around the clock. 

  • Flexible Plans: Choose a plan that fits your travel style, from basic coverage to premium protection. 

What are you waiting for? Do not leave your trip to chance—get your free travel protection quote today and embark on a stress-free European journey. With AXA by your side, you can focus on making memories, knowing that you are covered every step of the way. 

Also Read: Europe, Is it safe: Europe

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