Understand Travel Health Risks
Learn about travel health risks and prepare yourself with the right vaccinations, travel medical insurance, and preventive measures when traveling abroad.
Planning A Trip Abroad? You Need To Understand The Health Risks.
It is always important to plan ahead when traveling abroad. Conduct your research and make sure the country you are traveling to does not have travel health risks, require visas, or have certain vaccination requirements to enter. And of course, do not forget to pack your travel insurance, as it makes sure that you get the necessary medical treatment if needed.
Some countries may require you to have special vaccinations to enter. This is to keep you safe from infectious diseases since there may be many illnesses that you would not regularly be exposed to in your country of residence.
This is why at AXA, we have compiled a list of the most frequent illnesses so you can take the necessary precautions when traveling.
Traveler's Diarrhea
One of the most common illnesses that tourists contract. Travelers Diarrhea is the name given to diarrhea caused by different types of bacteria, viruses, or protozoa that are generally the result of the ingestion of infected food or water. The highest risk of exposure to this disease is found in India, Africa, and parts of South America; however, any traveler can suffer regardless of age or destination.
Similar to an upset stomach, the main symptoms are usually dehydration, weakness, and, obviously, the discomfort of having to constantly go to the bathroom. To prevent this from ruining your trip, we suggest you drink bottled water, avoid raw foods and street vendors, and maintain good personal hygiene by constantly washing your hands. These preventive measures reduce the risks of contracting the disease while traveling.
Yellow Fever
This disease is transmitted by the bite of the female mosquito "Aedes aegypti," which can also transmit severe diseases such as chikunguña, Zika fever, and the Mayaro Virus. The symptoms of Yellow Fever are usually fever, chills, backache, headache, body discomfort, vomiting, and, in some cases, bleeding.
This type of fly, unfortunately, can be found anywhere in the world; however, outbreaks of yellow fever are more common in tropical regions of Africa and South America. Travelers should be aware of the travel health risks related to visiting these areas. Yellow fever can be prevented with a very effective and safe vaccine, as there is no specific antiviral treatment. Those with underlying medical conditions or at an increased risk of seeking medical attention should consult a doctor before traveling to high-risk areas for the disease.
Also known as Paludism, malaria is a potentially fatal parasitic disease that is transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected female mosquito. The first symptoms are usually fever, headache, and chills, and if not treated in time, the infected person’s health can become worse, and there is a risk of death.
According to the latest WHO World Malaria Report, there were 216 million cases of malaria in 2016, with an estimated 445,000 deaths. The regions most commonly affected by this disease are Africa, Central and South America, parts of the Caribbean, Asia, and the South Pacific.
This disease is curable and preventable; it is caused by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, which is a bacterium that usually affects the lungs. Tuberculosis is transmitted from one person to another and is quite contagious. WHO estimates that about a third of the world's population has latent TB; they are infected but do not have an active form of the disease. Therefore, they are not sick and are at low risk of spreading it.
The most common outbreaks of this disease are in Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe. The most common symptoms are constant cough, weakness and tiredness, weight loss, and sweating. Tuberculosis, thankfully, has several treatments with antibiotics that can help the patient to heal quickly.
Previously called hemorrhagic fever, a serious infectious disease that is transmitted to humans normally by wild animals and from one person to another. The WHO declares that Ebola usually has a mortality rate of 50%. The main symptoms are usually a sudden onset of fever, headaches, sore throat and muscles, rashes, diarrhea, kidney and liver dysfunction, and in some cases, even internal and/or external bleeding.
Ebola is one of the major travel health risks for those visiting high-risk areas. Unfortunately, there is still not a 100% effective treatment or vaccine to cure or prevent this disease. But there are supportive medical care and treatments that are provided in hospitals, like hemotherapy, immunotherapy, and pharmacotherapy, that can help if you are infected. If traveling to high-risk countries, make sure to avoid contact with wildlife and get to the medical facilities on time if any symptoms are present.
Some of the countries where outbreaks of this disease have been found are Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Gabon, and Sudan.
Cholera is an acute diarrheal disease caused by the bacillus Vibrio Cholerae, which, if not treated in time, can become fatal within hours. WHO estimates that each year there are between 1.3 and 4 million cases of cholera worldwide and between 21,000 and 143,000 deaths caused by this disease.
The problem is that the symptoms are mild or in some cases no symptoms may appear; however, the sick person should hydrate quickly and receive appropriate medical treatment, like taking antibiotics to avoid complications. This disease can be found in some parts of Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America and is caused by the ingestion of food or water contaminated with this bacillus.
Keep in mind that all of these illnesses, in most cases, will require immediate medical attention. If you do not have medical coverage through a travel insurance provider that pays for medical treatment abroad, the expenses for medicines and hospital costs for any of these diseases may become quite high.
In countries with colder weather, you may be at risk of contracting lung disease and accidental injuries such as falling, or complications related to acute mountain sickness for those traveling to high altitude levels. Besides, travelers should also be aware of sexually transmitted infections, the effects of air pollution, or the conditions after jet lags, to reduce any potential travel health risks.

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