Protection for Your Journey: Understanding Accidental Death and Dismemberment Coverage 

When it comes to travel, unexpected accidents can happen. That is why understanding your travel insurance coverage, like accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D), is crucial for your trip. 
Let us explore what AD&D coverage entails and how it can protect you during your trip. 

Decoding Accidental Death and Dismemberment Coverage 

Imagine you are on your trip, and an unexpected accident occurs, causing injury. Accidental death and dismemberment coverage occurs if you experience a specific loss due to accidental damage during your trip. Here is the breakdown: 

  1. AXA Travel Protection can offer a portion of the Principal Sum (an amount specified in your policy) if you experience a loss mentioned in the Table of Losses. 
  2. This loss must occur within 180 days after the accident causing the loss. 

Understanding the Table of Losses 

Loss Of Percentage of Principal Sum
Life 100%
Both hands or both feet 100%
Sight of both eyes 100%
One hand and one foot 100%
Either hand or foot and sight of one eye 100%
Either hand or foot  50%
Sight of one eye 50%
Speech and hearing in both ears 100%
Speach 50%
Hearing in both ears 50%
Thumb and index finger of the same hand 25%


Defining "Loss" 

The definition of "loss" varies based on the body part: 

Hand or foot: Complete severance through and above the wrist or ankle joints. 

Eye: Irrecoverable loss of sight. 

Speech or hearing: Entire and irrecoverable loss of speech or hearing of both ears. 

Thumb and index finger: Actual severance through or above the joint that meets the finger at the palm 


Special Situations: Exposure and Disappearance 

AXA can provide benefits if you are unavoidably exposed to the elements due to an accident, resulting in covered losses. This exposure-related loss must occur within 365 days after the event. 

In case of disappearance due to an accident, AXA Travel Protection can pay benefits for loss of life if your body cannot be located within 365 days after your disappearance. 


In Conclusion 

Traveling comes with uncertainties, but understanding your coverage can offer you peace of mind. Accidental death and dismemberment coverage ensures that if the unexpected happens, you are financially supported. Always review your policy details to know the coverage limits and terms.